We're open 7 days a week 10 to 5 & Sunday 11 to 5! 583 Grant St. Clarkesville, GA 30523 470-239-0199‬ info@milesthroughtime.com

EV Charging in Northeast Georgia

EV Charging in Northeast Georgia Electric Car Chargers For All If you’re the owner of an EV and need a charge, head over to the Miles Through Time Automotive Museum. The museum is a co-op-style automotive museum with over 100 years of automotive history on...

Best Restaurants In Clarkesville, Georgia

Best Restaurants In Clarkesville, Georgia People always want to know where the best restaurants are when they visit Miles Through Time Automotive Museum. Whether your road trip to visit the museum 15 minutes or 2 hours chances are you’re going to be looking for...

Visit 10 European Cities in Georgia

Visit 10 European Cities in Georgia These 10 Georgia cities share names with cities that can be visited in Europe. However, visiting all of these cities in Europe would cost a fortune and take a couple of weeks.  Don’t worry, Georgia in the USA has you covered....