One Year Anniversary Car Show


The One Year Anniversary Car Show was a huge success.

The show would not have been possible without help from great people and organizations.  Patrick Klug from State Farm was our key sponsor this year and helped make the dash plaques we gave out possible.  Ronnie Rice from Napa Auto Parts was a huge help again this year and provided all of our main awards. Hopefully, you got to the show early enough and received your free t-shirt with all of our sponsors listed on the back.  The shirt this year has a cool design on it and it is a nice grey so it looks good to actually wear it.

We brought in the Anderson Area Vets Helping Vets this year to help raise funds for their organization.  You may not believe it, but this was their first attempt at providing and serving all of the food.  Not only was the food great and very affordable, all the proceeds went to a great cause.  Plus, if you brought a car the men helping you park were also some of those heroes.  Needless to say, they will be back next year and we truly appreciate them.

Hopefully, you got a chance to talk with many of the owners of the vehicles in the museum and learned a little more about what the museum is. The lounge always has free coffee and a great atmosphere to come to hang out Wednesday through Saturday.

If you took any pictures during the show make sure you post them online and tag Miles Through Time.  We’ve taken a few of the images captured throughout the show and created this video.  The video along with all the others on our Youtube channel loops on the TV in the lounge.  As we do more events you may see yourself or your ride on the big screen.

Also, if you or anyone else you know is interested in hosting a car show contact us. The museum is a great venue and we can help market the event for you.  To stay up to date on future events follow us on Facebook.

We also want to thank all of the vendors who came and participated in our event. Hopefully, you all had a great time and we will see you again next year.


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We offer vehicle consignment where we list your vehicle for sale on the museum floor and online. We get top-dollar for you and handle the entire process.


mtt gear



Those who gift or loan us vehicles, contextual artifacts, library, and archive items, or provide funds toward our operations, education, and collection maintenance.


Miles Through Time is the place to be for car shows, cruise-ins, and events - check our calendar for our upcoming events. If you want YOUR event held at MTT call to reserve your date.

Best Restaurants In Clarkesville, Georgia

People always want to know where the best restaurants are when they visit Miles Through Time Automotive Museum.

Top 10 Things To Do In Clarkesville 2024

These are the Top 10 Things to do in Clarkesville, Georgia which includes visiting one of the most unique automotive museums in the country.

Georgia’s Car Museum

Miles Through Time Automotive Museum is a Georgia Car Museum located inside the Old Clarkesville Mill with over 100 years of automotive history on display.

Day Trip From Greenville

Miles Through Time Automotive Museum is only about an hour and a half from the heart of Greenville, SC and worth the visit.

Day Trip From Atlanta Area

Super fun day trip from the Atlanta area includes a school bus graveyard, a car museum and a zoo. You can make a full circle on this trip.

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Museum Admission

Adults $15
Veterans $13
Seniors $14
Kids 6-12 $6
Under 6 Free

Memberships HERE

We are open 7 days a week
Monday through Saturday 10 to 5 & Sunday 11 to 5.  Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook to stay up to date.